Gorgeous Pink Diamond: Reveal The Unique Beauty & Value
For decades, pink diamonds have been the darling of brokers and collectors worldwide. The magnificent gems that possess their fragile pretty pink color are some of the most sought after and tremendously valuable stones in the world. This guide takes a closer look at pink diamonds, where they come from and what makes them special.
The Origin of Pink Diamonds
Most pink diamonds are from Australia and more specifically the Argyle Diamond Mine in Western Australia, which is known to yield over 90% of all available. While diamonds with this color are extremely rare, it is still mining headquarters profit and has actually done much to put pink diamonds within reach of many. These beautiful gems are formed under almost unimaginable conditions of immense pressure and heat over millions or even billions of years, creating their unique pink color.
What Makes Pink Diamonds Special?
Pink diamonds are unique because of their list, rarity and the valor conditions that make them. It is believed that, while the color in these diamonds is due to a molecular oddity as are other colored stones – most get their hues from some sort of chemical impurity or another introduced into polluting gas flows when diamond was being made on Earth. Called plastic deformation, it changes the way light travels through the rock causing it to look pink.
Grading and Valuing
Like all diamonds, pink diamond value is determined using the four Cs: color (pink has a particularly important role to play as will be presented in significant detail shortly), cut, clarity and carat weight. Pink diamonds are graded by the (GIA) from “Faint” to “Fancy Vivid ”, with Fancy vivid being considered the most valuable. The intensity and saturation of the pink color weigh heavily into a diamond’s value, as with all colored stones vivid colors garner higher prices.
Investing in Pink Diamonds
The shortage of pink diamonds makes them a sensible investment since tinted stones are being sought after in general. The value of pink diamonds has increased steadily over the last ten years, which makes them a fascinating collection to speculators wishing to broaden their investment profile. With the Argyle mine closing, it is anticipated that prices will only increase in years to come as these stones become rarer.
Why Pink Diamond Jewelry Is So Attractive
The words luxury and elegance immediately come to mind when you think of pink diamond jewelry. These stones highlight the elegance of any part, from engagement rings to earrings and sparkly necklaces. Pink diamonds have been a favorite of celebrities and royalty for decades. The beauty of wearing a pink diamond is because not only it sparkles brighter than any other jewel but in fact there are so few natural diamonds whose main stone color grade falls within their category.
Caring for Pink Diamonds
You have to maintain and take special care of the pink diamonds similarly with other types of diamond. Cleaning should be done only with a mild detergent and soft brush to maintain the lustrous finish of these tiles. You should also keep these separately to avoid scratching and have them checked by a jeweler at least once in a year so they can help you with proper maintenance when needed.
To sum it up, pink diamonds represent the very best of what nature has to offer – an abundance in physical splendor and color intensity as well as rarity on a grand scale. For those in the know and understand what a collector or investor, not to mention someone who just wishes to own something so beautiful that rivals this diamond has as an offer: Indeed pink diamonds stand alone! With their unusual color and the limited availability of salmon, it’s a gem to have in your collection.
Buying a pink diamond is not just about spending money on expensive stone, it’s also an investment for one of the most valuable cultural artifacts available to auction. With supplies of these unique diamonds drying up, they are expected to remain in high demand for many years to come and rise considerably higher in value therefore making them a gem any person could own that has generations lasting appeal.